Advantage Contracted Provider Signup Wizard

Thank you for your interest in becoming contracted with Advantage Dental. This signup wizard will allow you to do a fee comparison to see if your practice fees fall within the allowable amount. By doing this fee comparison and creating a secure account you are not agreeing to become contracted. To complete the contracting process you will need to fill out the application completely.

By signing up with Advantage Dental you also become a network provider for PacificSource.

To complete the online contracting process you will need the following:

  • Your DEA Number
  • Your License Number
  • Your NPI Number
  • Your Malpractice Policy Information

To begin this Process, please click here to register. Be sure to write your password down so you can log back in at another time. If you are returning to complete your application, please click here to login. If you require further assistance, please contact Advantage Provider Relations by email at and someone will assist you in this process.